Shri Ajaysing Prabhatsing Parmar
Vice Chairman Shri
It gives me pleasure to inform you that your Company has completed 32 years of meritorious existence. The Central Government as well as the State Government has played a decisive role in the tectonic turnaround of India’s sugar sector. The foundation of a sector that had faithfully served as the lifeline of rural India is sought to be reinforced. The sector is poised to play a significant role in addressing the energy needs of the country.

The Government has a 10% blending target for mixing ethanol with petrol by 2022 & 20% blending target by 2030. Ethanol as a fuel is indigenous, non-polluting, and virtually inexhaustible and will improve the environment and ecosystem. To achieve blending targets, the Government is encouraging sugar mills and distilleries to enhance their distillation capacities for which the Government is facilitating loans from banks for which an interest subvention of up to 6% is being borne by the Government.
I must mention here that due to the collective efforts of the State Government, farmers and sugar mills, the use of early and better cane varieties has been propagated, resulting in a higher yield for the benefit of farmers and higher recovery for the benefit of the sugar mills.
I am confident that by following the economical and social strategies and the decisions taken at the correct time that we have adopted, with unflinching commitment and dedicated efforts, our organization will reach new heights in the coming years.