Welcome To Narmada Sugar

The sugar industry is an important agro-based industry that impacts the rural livelihood of about 50 million sugarcane farmers and around 5 lakh workers directly employed in sugar mills. Employment is generated in various ancillary activities like transportation, trade servicing of machinery, and supply of agriculture inputs. India is the second-largest producer of sugar in the world after Brazil and the largest consumer.

The sugarcane industry provides sugar, biofuel, fiber, fertilizer, and other byproducts with ecological sustainability. Sugarcane juice is used for making white sugar, brown sugar, jaggery, and ethanol. The main byproducts are bagasse, molasses, and press mud. Molasses is the raw material for alcohol production. Bagasse act as fuel in a co-generation plant for power generation. Press mud is used as the compost fertilizer.

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Daily Crushing Report

# 11-11-2023 Today UpToDate
1 Crushing(in Tons) 11 11
2 Production(in Qtls) 11 11
3 BurnedCane(in %) 11 11
4 Recovery(in %) 11 11

Daily Distillery Report

# 12-11-2023 Today UpToDate
1 Rectified Spirit (in ltrs) 22 22
2 Ethenol (in ltrs) 22 22
3 Larry 22 22