Shri Ghanshyambhai J Patel
Shri Narmada Sugar Industry Cooperative Society Ltd. - Dharikheda, Ta. Nandod, Dist. Narmada.
Received various awards for running with high efficiency. I dedicate this award to the Narmada Sugar family. And I hope our organization makes a lot of progress day by day.
Hon'ble Chief Minister, Hon'ble Minister of Finance, Hon'ble Minister of Co-operation, Hon'ble Secretary of Co-operation, Hon'ble Director of Sugar, Hon'ble District Registrar, SM Namda / Bharuch, National Co-operative Sugar Federation, Gujarat State Cooperative Sugar Industry. On behalf of our organization, I would like to express my gratitude to them for the cooperation they have received.

The Gujarat State Co.O Bank Ltd. Ahmedabad, The Bharuch District Central Co-op Bank Ltd. Bharuch, NCDC, Bank of Baroda, State Bank of India, Union Bank, IDBI Bank, HDF .C. Bank, Axis Bank, Bank of India, Syndicate Bank, ICICI Bank. I would like to thank the Chairman, Managing Director, Branch Manager and officers of the bank.
M / s Collector Sahebshree Namada, M / s Collector Sahebshree Bharuch, M / s. Deputy Collector Sahebshree, Rajpipla, May. Police Chief Namada, May. Sponsorship Officer, May.
Mamlatdar Shri, Officers of South Gujarat Agricultural University, Karjan Irrigation Scheme, R&D. B. I would like to thank the officers of Rajpipla Department, Agriculture Department, Namada District as well as the employees and the concerned co-operative and government department officials for their cooperation.
I thank the Chairman, Directors and Managing Directors of Gujarat Sugar Factory for their cooperation.
I would like to thank all the members of our organization for their patience and perseverance in the face of many obstacles and difficult circumstances in the development of our factory.
I thank my fellow directors for their excellent cooperation and guidance in the smooth running of the organization. I would also like to take this opportunity to take note of the diligence and loyalty of the Managing Director, officers, employees / workers of the organization in the development of the organization.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the well-known anonymous persons and organizations associated with the organization.
With cooperation,Jai Jawan Jai Kisan Jai Vijnan Jai Narmada Jai Gujarat Jai Bharat